Feels Good Man


Feels Good Man - Make everyone in the universe feel good

FGM aims to spread smiles and laughter while providing a fun and rewarding cryptocurrency experience. 🐸 πŸš€

Inspired by the positivity of internet culture.


The Story of $FGM

'Feels Good Man' is from the Internet meme Pepe the Frog. Something happened on the day it was born:

CMC Listed

CMC listed at the token release date

Over 1M Trading Volume

Over 1M trading volumee

Culture Driven by Memes

All these happened without website



Total Supply: 69,420,000,000 FGM

Clean & Simple

No Taxes, No Reserved, Fair Launch.

SAFU & Memeable

100% FGM and 5 ETH were sent to the liquidity pool, LP tokens were locked for 2 years, then extended for 25,772 years. The contract is renounced.

Transparent & Trackable

The most organic and clean token in the crypto world, no owner.

Pepe the Frog: Feels Good Man

All of biology is driven by genes, but culture is driven by memes .

My Pepe philosophy is simple: Feels good man . It is based on the meaning of the word Pepe: β€˜To Go Pepe’.

Who controls the memes , controls the Universe.

Liquidity Locked on UNCX

UNCX network

$FGM has no association with Matt Furie or his creation Pepe the Frog. This token is simply paying homage to a meme we all love and recognize.

$FGM is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright Β© 2023 - 2024 by fgm.ai